Service Design | 2014
Delft and Schiphol, The Netherlands

//Nominated as a finalist in the International Aviation Awards under the University Category at the Crystal Cabin Awards 2015
// Featured on Student Achievements at TU Delft
//Featured in Aircraft Interior International

Enable collaborated with Zodiac Aerospace for six months for Emirates Airlines to make Users’ inflight experience seamless and stress-free.

If you’d like to know more information about this project, don’t hesitate to send me an email.

The team created a Customer Journey of a typical trip on an Emirates flight to create an understanding of typical problems users encounter, as well as possible design opportunities that the team could explore.

This allowed us to create a service-process system (PSS) over seven weeks giving insights into the current customer journey. The group decided to focus on maximising the inflight experience and minismizing the importance of food during short haul flights.

Throughout the project, my role within the team had two focuses. Within the first stage of the project, I focused on developing the Customer Journey, whilst in the second stage, I focused on developing potential design concepts, iterating on those and formulating a final concept.

The design process used, allowed us to create a service-process system (PSS) over seven weeks giving insights into the current customer journey. After conducting user interviews, a focus group and two observational studies, the group decided to focus on maximising the inflight experience.

SCOPE Service Design, Airlines, Customer Journeys

TEAM Lexie Lam, Hayagreev Narayan, Paul van Eeghen

IN COLLABORATION WITH Emirates, KLM Airlines & Zodiac

Dr. ir.Froukje Sleeswijk Visser (Professor, TU Delft)
Christine de Lille (Professor Assistant, TU Delft)
Julia Debacker (Professor Assistant, TU Delft)

In collaboration with